
Saturday, July 29, 2006

music: Broken Social Scene on Letterman

About 10 people crammed on stage to play "Fire Eyed'Boy". I love the fill-in drummer running back and forth, the gentle singing despite the propulsive rhythm, and the dink-bloop! guitar line. We were shortchanged, their MySpace page lists 16 band members.

And they're from Toronto! I'm leaning towards buying the album.

The music video for Fire Eye'd Boy is fun too.

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  • I found one of your write-ups through a search engine; I wanted more info about a pair of skis. I wasn't sure whether you did or did not like a specific pair, the Salomon Scream 10 Xtra Hot, because it had some sarcasm in the sentence-- "...they dropped the 'X' and the Prolink bars to make some beefy "Scream" ski that didn't do much except for an "Xtra Hot" model with a chili pepper graphic..."
    If you could briefly clarify about the xtra hot series (whether they are good like the older xscreams, or not) I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks

    By Dan, at July 31, 2006 11:08 PM  

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