Hey! A home page!

blog | William Gibson | Carmageddon | CHIC | 1984 Civic hatchback

Ever seen the Motorola BitSurfr ad "Meet the Veeblefesters" (find obnoxious home pages 8x faster)?

Well, this page is worse!

Newer blog

My blog at www.skierpage.com/blog/ is powered by WordPress these days, still the same low-speed blender of art, ecology, music, skiing, cars. Bookmark it, visit every week or so. My old 2005–2010 orange Blogger blog is still intermixed in the same directory along with its labels.

Former feed following, RIP

You can follow my blog by adding its RSS feed https://www.skierpage.com/blog/feed/ to your RSS viewer; does anyone still use one of these after Google killed its Google Reader? Back in the golden days of 2011, you could simply add skierpage.com/blog to your iGoogle home page, a great personalized home page that would show updates from all your favorite web sites; of course that was also Killed by Google in 2013. (For posterity here are the setup notes for Firefox 3 that I wrote for friends.)

Other stuff from before blogs

I maintained an exceptionally complete bibilography/mediagraphy of William Gibson, the great sf writer.

I have some information about the Carmageddon PC game, especially the Splat Pack courses

I like all kinds of music ("We like both kinds of music, Country and Western" -- The Blues Brothers movie), but I've got detailed pages for the black R&B supergroup and production powerhouse CHIC.

I used to (sniff) own the eponymous 1984 gray Civic "S" model, the most beautiful hatchback ever created.

Jhane Barnes is great, but alas I lost the domain jhanebarnesisgod.com to some Japanese/Chinese spammer. :-(

The 2005 orange Blogger blog replaced my rants & raves section, which only had a rant about "See the reverse" idiocy from Wells Fargo Rewards.

Social web stuff

As I wrote in my immortal post web: it's one social network, not 1000 sites, I should be able to comment here on any URL anywhere on the web, and my comment should also show up on that Web site and any other site that cares; and vice-versa. Blogging sites used to implement this with "Trackbacks" and "Pingbacks." The reality is most people can't be bothered to run a blog or set up an identity on a distributed social platform no one has heard of, so I have to be where the rest of humanity hangs out. I'm "skierpage" on dozens and dozens of social networks, forums, and services, including (note none of these images makes a privacy-sucking web request to its networks) :
BlueSky Mastodon Facebook Instagram GitHub Google+ Launchpad (Ubuntu) Twitter etc., etc.
(some of these can OpenID OpenID me; the FOAF FOAF dream isn't quite dead.)

S Page
My e-mail address is the first four letters of "information" @ this web site.
Death to spammers!